Saturday, January 31st marks the world premiere of Nick Lowe’s stunning performance on renowned television program Austin City Limits. This year marks 35 years on the air for ACL, making it television’s longest running music program. Nick’s unique performance features the iconic British songwriter in stark solo form, performing hits and cult classics from his timeless catalog.
The solo acoustic set is also a rarity for Austin City Limits, one that led the Austin American Statesman to proclaim the performance, “stunning,” call Nick, “Sinatra as a folk singer,“ and implore the show to, “…give him the whole hour!”
Recorded: October 9, 2008
When I Write the Book
All Men Are Liars
I Trained Her to Love Me
I Read a Lot
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Peace, Love and Understanding
Beast in Me
Purchase some of Nick's great recordings HERE